We are really proud of the wonderful photos and feedback we receive from schools who complete their Sun Safe Schools accreditation each year. Please view our short gallery film which features the Slip, Slop, Slap Song, (sung by Cropwell Bishop Primary School choir), scroll through our gallery of images and read through the five star feedback below to see what schools across the UK and beyond think about the Sun Safe Schools accreditation programme.
“The resources on this programme are fantastic. Love it. I can truly say, this has been one of the best websites for resources and information I have come across. it really has it all. We had lots of fun using this service and loved the profiles”

“We feel that the Sun Safe Schools scheme has been informative, helpful and fun for all of the children. The children are now so much more aware of sun safety. The scheme has really helped us to put a policy into place. The resources were really helpful and made the whole process so much easier. We feel that the scheme is brilliant and couldn’t think of any way to improve it!”

“A brilliant scheme! The ready made resources are superb and have really engaged the children, encouraging them to be more aware of the ways they can take responsibility for sun safety. As a school we are looking forward to developing further areas of shade and using some of the fundraising ideas suggested in your programme. A very effective scheme which has been easy to implement. It’s a must for all primary schools. Many thanks”

“A brilliant scheme with simple steps to follow. Everything you need is there ready to set up and go. The resources are informative, engaging and inspiring”

“The resources you have provided have been vital in us continuing to develop our messages about being safe in the sun. They have also allowed us to share ideas as a whole school community and address the importance of sun safety with the parents. This has linked well with our National Quality Award for Healthy Schools accreditation, where we were praised for our curriculum being built around being healthy, including in the sun”

“The resources are excellent. Your website enabled me to create a policy quickly and efficiently and enabled me to communicate easily with our parents using your templates. We all loved the animated story and the song which really helped to get the message across to younger children. Thank you for this excellent initiative which enables us to keep our children safe in the sun”

“Fantastic scheme, excellent resources and we have loved using it! The resources and information have been great for us. I love the idea of the UV Monitor in each class, the song and the powerpoint assembly plan was great. These were resources were high quality, fun and engaging as well as reinforcing the key messages. Loved them. Thank you for creating such a wonderful accreditation scheme for schools”

“We have found the entire scheme really useful, it has helped us develop a comprehensive sun safety policy and complimented our work in other projects. Thank you for a comprehensive and useful scheme with excellent resources that we will use every Spring Summer term”

“The sun Safe schools scheme has been hugely beneficial. I feel that we have laid the foundation which we will build on and repeat each summer term. It has been interesting to hear the children’s attitudes to sun safety before and after. Some children were saying that they ‘tan well’. After the series of the assembly, lessons and activities they all are able to explain how dangerous sun tanning is. We are now as a school very strict with sun safety. Working towards gaining the accreditation has given the school permission to be more clear and strict with the children and parents around sun safety. The plan given has been fun and enjoyable as we have gone along with it. We look forward to telling the children that they have gained the accreditation. Thank you Sun Safe schools”

“A great set of resources for children and staff and valuable guidance for myself (Head) and my senior team on improving our work in this important area of Health and Safety”

“The overall scheme has been fantastic, the video, resources, folder, stickers etc were fabulous! It has been an easy way to ensure the children understand how to stay safe in the sun. Additionally, the resources arrived at school quickly and safely which was fantastic. Finally, the whole scheme being accessible online makes everything a whole lot easier!”

“The policy outlined a valuable set of statements which has developed a robust policy. An attractive, simple resource with age appropriate fun and informative resources. A great scheme, useful and time saving resources with great communication from client services. thank you kindly for caring for and supporting children”

“It is a fantastic programme which makes bringing awareness of the dangers of sun damage and the easy ways to protect against it to the children, staff and parents of our school easy and comprehensive. The accreditation has helped to raise sun safety awareness across the whole school community and it’s renewal each year provides a timely reminder to refresh lessons and assemblies with children”

“The Sun Safe scheme over the last few years has wholly changed our school’s attitude towards sun safety - in fact the whole school community’s attitude. Teachers spoke very positively about the range of resources which were available to use. Children are fully aware of the sun safe messages aimed at their level”

“The step-by-step style makes this an easily obtainable accreditation. The resources that are sent out are excellent. The lesson plans/assembly plans are easy to follow. I will be recommending this award to schools across the Trust and encouraging them to do this too. The policy is so easy to create and we have made changes because of its recommendations. We now have UV monitors in our school and children are able to articulate how UV is harmful to their skin. Thank you”

“The policy created and advice was very useful, especially the element of looking at UV levels with the children. Pupils and staff have increased awareness and we are continuing to develop our protection procedures. The whole system is great and provides a comprehensive approach to the protection of children while outdoors”

“This is an effective scheme which our school fully engages in year on year. We have enjoyed working towards becoming a sun safe school. Parents, staff and children have worked in partnership to ensure we keep our pupil’s safe in the sun. This project ensures children are educated about the dangers of the sun from a young age and become independent in keeping themselves safe”

“The Sun Safe Schools Scheme has been a fantastic tool to help raise awareness of the dangers of over exposure to UV levels in an informative, interesting and colourful way. The activities have been enjoyed by all ages and we have been able to deliver the message in such a way that children of all ages have been able to understand how to keep themselves safe. It has also been a great scheme to run with our Health Responsibility Group - the children are very proud of having achieved our accreditation”

“As a result of this project and activities, we are noticing a greater awareness of the need for protection in the sun. We have had a great response to the parents letter and believe that all schools should be encouraged to take part. Thank you”

“Sun safety now forms part of our PSHE curriculum. We now write to parents much earlier in the year, reminding them of the need to be ready with sunscreen and a hat. All staff and governors are aware of and implement / support the policy in school. More parents are now replacing baseball caps with other, more appropriate hats. We are seeing more children come into school with sun screen and also, helpfully, more children know how and when to apply the sun screen! As a school, since we were first accredited I believe that the children have more awareness of and responsibility for their own sun safety in school. Every Friday, if the forecast is hot for the weekend, we all remind each other what we need to do and be careful of if we are out in the sun. It is an embedded part of the school culture and there are, I think, less children coming back to school after the weekend having been burnt compared to a few years ago”

“Killinghall Primary school would like to thank the Sun Safe Schools scheme for sending us all the resources to help keep us protected from the sun. The scheme is a great way of helping educators teach children about staying safe in the sun. The scheme has been really effective in helping our school really think about the importance of sun safety. The children are always made aware of sun safety and the importance of it. We have also had great communication from parents”

“This has been a very interesting initiative. The children have learnt a lot and are much more sun aware. They are reminding each other about sun safety and what they should be using. The resources provided have also been very useful and easy to use! Thank you very much”

“The scheme has been very effective on raising an awareness about sun safety and given children a sense of ownership and responsibility for themselves to be safe in the sun”

“The available resources have been essential to creating our policy. The process would have been extremely difficult without the provided support. The children were all very enthused by the assembly. They recalled the song from last year and have been singing it on the yard ever since! Lessons were well resourced and the children developed a good understanding of the dangers associated with being out in the sun. The resources and materials have been invaluable in setting us up as a Sun Safe school. We have used the cues and ideas to develop our school grounds and plans”

“The policy advice and online tool has been crucial to understanding the requirements and best practice. It will help us to become a more sun safe school with each review. Staff and pupils really took on board the steps to support the programme. Particularly shared with parents through messages from the children, letters and texts home to remind children how to be safe in the sun. It is a really clear and easy process to follow. The messages make it clear to the children what they need to do to keep safe and take a pro-active role in this. Evidence in collated in PSHE books. Well received by all students and parents”

“Policy was very useful - clear and concise options covering all aspects of sun safety. Informative booklets for parents, children enjoyed the stickers and the book about George the Sun-safe Superstar which the children enjoyed within their class. Useful resources, bright and engaging”

“Wide variety of resources that all children in school have been able to access and have enjoyed. They have enjoyed singing and dancing along to the slip, slop, slap song! The catchy 5 S’s is memorable and the children are referring to them throughout the day. They have also been educating their families at home”

“This has been a well structured and easy to follow module of work that has made me feel, as a leader, that we are tackling this important area in the correct manner”

“The policy was very easy to complete and easy to follow - step by step guide to creating policy very clear. The resources enabled us to structure the assembly in a way that informed children and held their interest. Activities were engaging and easy for class teachers to administer. Key messages reinforced in a variety of ways to support messages given during assembly and UV posters displayed around school. We worked alongside health professionals in our school community to use the resources and deliver the sun safe message. All our children now know they must prepare for time spent in the sun. We are confident the message has been understood and a real difference is being made”

“Our school has enjoyed being part of the sun safe schools scheme. I followed the assembly plan and used the power point. The children contributed well during the assembly. Thank you for providing such a lovely variety of activities. Very Useful”

“As a school we have really enjoyed working towards the Sun Safety Accreditation. The materials provided to deliver the lessons and assembly were clear, engaging and easy to use. Working towards the accreditation has really helped us to raise awareness of the importance of sun safety for our children, parents and carers and our wider school community. We are looking forward to proudly displaying our certificate and continuing our sun safety work for years to come”

“The resources were very useful and comprehensive to help create a sun safe policy for the school. The Sun Safe policy and letter to parents were very useful and easy to access from the website. The booklet provided lots of information on staying safe in the sun for parents and were welcomed. Pupils enjoyed learning the slip, slop, slap song. Powerpoint for the assembly was very helpful. All classes have accessed the online resources and have completed at least one sun safe lesson. All of the resources provided by Sun Safe Schools have been excellent, especially the hard copies of the folder and story book. The process has been easy and straight forward to achieve accreditation”

“The policy was very useful and informative for future planning. The pupils found the activities very engaging. Pupils in KS particularly enjoyed monitoring and recording the daily UV temperature. Pupils in Foundation Phase enjoyed the interactive book and learning the slip, slap song. The parents have all responded very positively to the changes made and they have supported the school policy. The staff, pupils and parents all responded really positively to the scheme. It has helped to raise awareness of the dangers of the sun and what we can do to protect ourselves. Pupils now wear hats to school and they all bring sun cream to reapply during the school day. I found the teaching resources very useful, particularly the assembly slides. All of the pupils enjoyed the song!”

“The policy information was useful and easy to locate. We have made changes in light of this policy including buying legionnaire hats. Resources very child friendly and book accessible to all primary aged children. Really effective - great that we can pull together this in one place”

“This has really helped our school community re-focus and think about sun safety at our school and what we do to educate and protect the children. Lots of changes have already been made and we will ensure this is an area visited each year. The resources were fantastic!”

“Very easy to use, with very useful, clear information to give to parents. The children enjoyed the book and completing the worksheets and discussing in class. Great pack - especially the book and folder of resources. We would love Welsh resources for next time!”

“The Policy creator is a great tool for the school to use - some of the identified measures are really important to include for all parents! The children really enjoyed the simplicity of the assembly materials and joined in appropriately! It was great fun! Great resources - the staff will use the worksheets back in class as we discuss Global Goals for the remainder of the term”

“Excellent resource. Very informative. Children, parents and staff are much more aware about sun safety. This has been altogether a fantastic resource and the children have thoroughly enjoyed it”

“We are very pleased with the structure of the scheme with a good range of age appropriate materials. We invited a specialist skin cancer nurse in from the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and followed up the assembly with George’s story and the worksheets. We regularly promote sun safety on our school newsletter and social media and consider it an important part of our safeguarding practices and keeping children healthy”

“Excellent information provided. All children have an excellent understanding based on the material received, and interaction. Lessons and assembly all played a huge part in this”

“Again as this is our 3rd year doing the scheme, it is always very well received by staff, pupils and parents.They have enjoyed watching the assembly and learning the song, we are displaying the UV forecast each day by the playground so the children can see it. It’s a fantastic scheme we are very thankful for all the great resources that are offered to us”

“The scheme was very informative and easy to follow. It was surprising how many children were not aware of how to be safe in the sun. Children are now more aware of the risks of the sun and the school will implement steps to ensure we are protecting children in the sun”

“Parents are definitely supportive and we see more and more children wearing hats and sunglasses to school. Many children also bring sun creams to school and remember to apply them before break and lunch. I have been amazed with children taking responsibility for their own safety and talking to each other about sun safety”

“The lessons combined with our Tenovus workshops were invaluable - our children are currently working on creating their own sun safety campaigns using a variety of software. Great resources that every school should access. We have recently tweeted lots of our Sun Safe Schools work - yet again another fantastic year. Thank you”

“Lovely resources. A fantastic way to support and promote the importance of sun safety. Thank you”

“This whole process has been extremely simple and effective. Having the resources all in one place is really good. It has really made us think about how we can best implement sun safety in our school. Originally the idea came from a parent so it is nice that we were able to implement this in our school. It has really increased the profile of sun safety in our school. Thank you”

“All the resources were very effective and useful, the children loved the ‘George the Sun Safe hero book and all sing the song with gusto! The worksheets for the older classes were great and I have a sun safe board outside my office to display their drawings of themselves as sun safe heroes!”

“Important life skills for all the children. This was relevant to the parents as they think one application of sun cream will last the day! Resources easy to access were useful and relevant to the children. The parents were very interested and happy for us to put sun cream on their child if necessary.”

“We are now using less sun cream provided by school - parents are much better at sending sun cream in for their own children. The lessons are a fixed part of the cycle of PSHE lessons/planning. This year we are actively promoting the UV level on a daily basis, displaying in school to make staff, parents and pupils aware”

“The resources have been excellent. This has been a really positive experience for the school. All children are now very aware of staying safe in the sun as are all staff”

“This is an excellent resource that has been invaluable in promoting our sun safe message.These resources will continue to be useful and utilised throughout our school”

“The policy was easy to create, adapt and work towards and the policy points were sensible. The resources sent home - excellent. Excellent programme and easy to follow”

“The resources were very simple and easy use, a really wonderful assembly too. it was good to see what the children knew and teach them new things about being safe in the sun. The children loved singing the song and had lots of fun completing the work sheets and the different games and activity’s relating to sun safety. the children also really enjoyed the story. This has been really fun and exciting to complete with the children they have really engaged with the activity’s and got talking about sun safety in a really positive way. We love the scheme and the children enjoy keeping safe in the sun”

“Highlighting this to the school has made everyone think…. I would like to roll this out into more schools in my area as it’s so important”

“We have found the sun-safe resources really helpful to use throughout Sun Safety week. The whole school have learnt the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop’ song and when we go out onto the field at play and lunchtimes, we can hear little pockets of children all humming it! Thank you!”

“Staff and pupils found the resources really accessible. All stakeholders have benefited from the resources. Parents found the booklet about skin cancer very informative, pupils have loved the activities. We are pleased as a school with our new sun safe policy”

“The policy was very useful and easy to understand and letter/information to parents really useful. The assembly slideshow was amazing and the slip slop slap song was really fun, the children were great at answering my questions and the whole assembly was really informative. Well done. The lesson plans were both fun and informative and also really useful as they were age appropriate, the children loved ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ book. This scheme is fantastic and very worthwhile our children and parents embraced it fully and we are enjoying all the resources thank you”

“The sun safety work has been received by children and staff very well. Children are much more aware of playing in the shade at certain times of the day. The resources have helped, parents were really pleased with the booklets and the policy. The teachers were given the lesson plans and the worksheets but many went on to do their own tasks as well such as posters. The children and staff have really benefitted from being apart of this accreditation process”

“Loved George The Sun Safe Superstar. It appealed to all ages and covered crucial information about sun safety. Very clear, achievable, effective scheme. The children are all talking about being sun safe and even reminding their parents and adults to wear hats!”

“The children have really enjoyed class discussions on how to keep safe in the sun and also the dangers of the sun. It’s been very useful as we have had lots of sunny days recently and the children have remembered to bring their sun hats and extra water into school and are proud to be keeping safe. It’s been an easy and accessible process going through the 4 steps with lots of resources and guidance. I feel the children are more aware now about keeping safe in the sun and will defiantly enjoy singing the Slip, Slop, Slap over the summer”

“The policy provided excellent clear information which is easy to communicate to the school community with an effective way to communicate our sun protection policy to all parents/carers. All the children were engaged and enjoyed singing the song! Thank you so much for all the wonderful resources to help us deliver the importance of sun safety. This is a wonderful scheme with great resources”

“I have found the resources sent really easy to use and deliver to all children. The School were keen to be on board and have been supportive. When I required some help your team were fantastic with the support I received and ensured that we were doing the best we could to achieve our accreditation. The children have loved being part of this and I hope it continues to encourage them to be sun safe, and not just at school but in their home life”

“Very useful, simple but effective resources giving a clear message which we will be able to use again and again”

“Extremely helpful and easy to complete policy form. Having a letter template makes communication with parents much easier. The resources were very helpful and gave lots of ideas and information to build upon. The song was very catchy and the children engaged with it well. The assembly has reinforced the children’s existing knowledge of the sun and extended it. The resources were helpful in reinforcing the important messages. Overall, the sun safe scheme for schools has been really helpful in making children far more aware about the dangers of the sun but also how to stay safe. We have heard children discussing the factors on their sun cream and comparing them in school”

“We have really enjoyed taking part in the Sun Safe scheme. We have found the resources very useful and user friendly. The scheme has helped us to stay focused and ensured that the whole school was involved”

“This is a really useful resource and has raised awareness of sun safety for children , parents and staff. Thank you”

“Very easy to follow with very easy, clear steps and advice to take. Thank you. Excellent resources for the whole school that we have used for a number of years despite only just completing the accreditation. Brilliant idea, supportive material for lessons and sun cream and cheap hats. Thanks”

“It was an easy process to create the policy. It was useful having a letter already written to be able to send to parents. The assembly powerpoint, book and lesson plan were good and the children liked doing the activities. It has been an easy process to follow and the book and activities were age appropriate.”

“The policy was a very useful checklist to see where we had any gaps in our provision. Useful letter template to send to parents and booklet very informative. Useful powerpoint and song which the younger children enjoyed. Educational resources shared and used in each class. A very useful file. Overall a simple to follow procedure with very useful resources”

“This is a very well resourced scheme. it has been easy to work through the process and involve the whole school community. Our pupils are now much more aware of how to be sun safe and are already spreading the word to their families and the wider community. Thank you”

“The information helped us to think carefully about what we already do as a school and what else we can do. Excellent resources which have been used in class, in assembly and to make a display in school. Great resources. The children are using the right language around school - e.g. have you checked the UV levels, we better protect ourselves today. Baseball caps are gradually disappearing and staff now wear hats. The suncream dispenser which was a great hit initially and over used is now just a part of everyday life in school.Excellent resources, engaging for the children. We are now looking at fundraising to purchase a shade sail”

“A useful resource which ensures policy includes every element required. Resources were useful and the whole school enjoyed the animations on assembly power point making it easier for younger children to understand. All classes took part in activities and teachers found lesson plans easy to follow. The resources are very good and made the concept of sun safety easier to teach”

“The policy advice was very useful in pointing us in the right direction and giving me ideas on how to improve. This has been useful in passing on the information to the parents and highlighting their role in keeping the children sun safe. These resources helped me to deliver the assembly at an age appropriate level as well as deriving an information pack for the parents. This set of resources allowed teachers to pick up a plan and teach effectively - this was done before the assembly and children were very clear on what they needed to do to remain sun safe. This has helped us become aware of our environment and also the dangers to children. It has also made the children more aware of what they can do to help and how something as simple as suncream can help protect them”

“The scheme has been very clear and easy to use. The resources have been superb and enjoyable for the children to use. The children have enjoyed learning the slip slap slop song and our year two class can be seen performing it on our twitter school page. The file provided, was clear and easy to follow with clear instructions for all the teachers to follow. It has been an incredibly useful and enjoyable scheme to follow and definitely perfect timing for the heat wave we have been experiencing this year. Thank you from everyone at Capcoch Primay School”

“We have found your pack and its downloads to be a valuable set of resources for educating our learners about sun safety. Also, the sun cream dispensers have already proven themselves to be a great addition to our provision. A fantastic set of resources, thanks so much”

“Thank you lesson plans, resources, whole school assemblies, video and PDF printables were all easy to use. The policy was easy to read and understood by staff, parents and pupils. We aim to continue teaching sun safety added to local policy on the importance of staying hydrated. Guernsey has a higher rate of people suffering from sun damaged skin so it is very important to us. We also aim to make remaining sun safe high on our whole school agenda and aim to ensure that more sun shade is part of our development of outside areas. Thank you”

“The children have really enjoyed learning about sun safety. They love the song. All of the children are acknowledging the UV levels displayed at the front of school. Michelle Forsyth, our Sun Safe ambassador has been really helpful. The resources and samples, especially the UV bands, have been really effective”

“The policy was super easy and quick. Great resource to get started and make a plan of next steps. Assembly was a great introduction. Resources provided were visually appealing and could be used across the school. Great resources supplied and very easy to implement”

“The accreditation has been very easy to achieve due to the great guidance within this scheme. Everything I needed has been there for me and it has taken me through each step. I would definitely recommend this scheme to others”

“The sun safety scheme was a great way to promote sun safety in schools. It was a great resource that was made easy by the website. The children are much more aware of how to stay safe in the sun and they are using the sun cream dispensers and more children are coming to school with the appropriate items to help them stay safe in the sun”

“This scheme has definitely increased awareness for all stakeholders in the school and highlighted this vital issue. The children are much more likely to wear hats have sun screen in school. Parents have supported us well”

“Excellent information provided through each steps. Great assembly pack and song to learn. Children enjoyed class based activities”

“The whole scheme was excellent. The resources made life very easy for school staff in what is a really important message to communities. The resources were incredibly helpful in making the sun safe policy and were also easy to use. The educational resources were brilliant! All classes from YR to Y6 took part, reading the book then doing associated activities. We had a sun safe day to really heighten the awareness in school so the children participated in many activities”

“The policy is excellent, letter and booklet to parents very informative and great presentation. The Assembly material is really useful and engaging. Well received by pupils and staff.The book was very well received especially by the younger children and the lessons plans and activities were engaging. A Very comprehensive programme with good choice of resources and guidelines making it a simple programme to implement”

“The resources were fantastic and it meant that the teachers were more than ready to take on the initiative because so much thought and planning had already gone into them”

“The policy is SO useful and time-saving. Prompts ensured all necessary bases were covered and thought about. Information well received by parents and letter template very useful and time saving. The whole-school assembly was received well. Children loved the song. Lesson plans useful and well-suited to the needs of all age ranges. Very easy to follow and so important! Have enjoyed following this and making my school sun safe! Thank you”

“The resources were super helpful and made the whole process really easy. It is a great idea to raise awareness. The steps and resources make it relatively easy to organise and implement. Thank you!”

“The policy was an extremely helpful step by step guide and helped create next steps. The resources provided a fun and interactive assembly, which gave a clear message about sun safety for all children to understand. The activities were fun which reinforced the sun safety message. Worksheets were suitable for all primary aged children. This is the second year that we have taken part in the sun safe schools scheme. The resources help set a clear sun safety message and are easy to use”

“An excellent resource to cover a very worthwhile subject! The policy is very helpful and quick to complete. I wish all policies were this simple to implement. Clear and concise instructions as to what we supply and provide to parents. Assembly and powerpoint easily downloaded and ready to use. Scheme of work implemented into the curriculum”

“Really great resources that you can download. Brilliant scheme which I can highly recommend”

“I found the provided options in the policy assisted in forming what is needed to keep our children safe when accessing all aspects of school life. It has now formed part of my school development plan. The resources were very helpful when sharing key facts and information with the children. They have had good discussions following the assembly and they enjoyed the sessions and the book. This has been beneficial in raising awareness of our children, school and our families. Parents have spoken to me about our renewed policy and like that we have raised the profile of sun safety”

“The policy provided good reminders about what is needed in schools and the correct vocabulary to use. The letter for parents was useful in raising the status of the need to be sun safe. The children found the activities easy to link with. Really glad that this has helped us raise the status of staying safe in the sun”

“Very useful resources. just what i was looking for for an alternate program i am teaching- thanks so much. Kids were very well informed an awesome program”

“On behalf of our centre we feel this scheme is invaluable in supporting us to provide awareness to our children and parents on being safe in the sun. We are working hard to have our staff trained in this area and providing awareness in an interactive and fun way to our children. Educating children at an early age is vital in reduces their risk in the sun and we will continue to raise this awareness”

“The questions led us to produce a sun safety policy really easily. The process is really easy to follow and all information both delivered and downloaded very easily. Lots of choice regarding lesson plans and activities. Easy to use and generally a great package of information to guide schools to provide the key sun safety messages”

“Our journey into becoming a Sun Safe School has been enjoyed by all of our pupils. The charity and their Ambassador Nurse Michelle have guided us every step of the way. They have helped us were they can, providing some of the UV bracelets and beads for free, which was extremely generous, and an activity that all the pupils really enjoyed. We had a lot of fun creating a video for melanoma May and having an ex-patient of Melanoma come in and talk to pupils and staff was an amazing experience that we all truly appreciated. We are all so much more aware of the damaging affects the sun can have on us, but we are now implementing sun safe strategies into the pupils everyday lives that will become so ingrained that pupils carry these strategies into their adult lives”

“A brilliant resource - really well presented and organised. I liked the simplicity of the policy generator - lots of aspects here that I’d not considered, an interesting exercise. The booklets made the point to parents in an accessible way, and we have had a good number return their agreement to support the policy. Really accessible resources, they all loved the song and that will definitely be something that we sing on a regular basis. Thank you”

“We have completed the 1st Allenton Brownies Sun Safe Challenge badge, completing activities both from your Sun Safe Schools pack-up and on the badge syllabus. No obstacles, parents happy and all give consent for us to provide sunscreen for Brownies to apply to themselves when required. We have had 2 meetings specifically to talk about Sun Safety and learnt the Slip Slop Slap song. They enjoyed the song and completing the activities for the badge.The resources were/are excellent and worked well with our group of 24 Brownies. Feedback has been good both from parents and Brownies. Brownies enjoyed the activities done over 2 weeks and love working towards the badge. Parents are happy that we cover this topic”

“The scheme is very good, it helps explain to young pupils about the dangers of the Sun & that we need to be aware of the UV index and not just how sunny it is. Our Younger pupils loved the colouring in, we have appointed a monitor for each class who is responsible for checking with the office what the UV index is each day and then ensuring the correct signage is up in each class. Its fun and informative for our pupils. The suncream is useful as pupils do forget their own sometimes and the scheme itself has raised awareness with Parents also as the children have been very enthusiastic about it. I hope it will help save lives from unnecessary skin cancer in the future. Thank you”

“Via the policy we are now able to make sure Sun Safe best practice is consistent across the school. Parents very engaged- especially parents of the younger children in school. The children remembered the song and sang along without needing a reminder- definitely a hit! Excellent resource text that appeals to the children- they all want to be George! Children, staff and parents have responded well. It has actually been easier to implement than we expected. Thank you for the great resources and support”

“The policy generator has been a great help to our school, the information for parents perfect, the assembly very helpful and every thing we need provided for lessons . This has been so helpful to deliver sun safety awareness to the pupils everything we needed was provided.”

“We have been very pleased with the helpful resources and materials and the website/Policy has given us clear guidance on what we should have in place in school. Thank you for the excellent support material and policy!”

“This is a fantastic scheme and the whole school has been on board; with daily UV updates and the story and song about George the children have been engaged from Reception to Year 6”

“The scheme is very good with amazing resources and guidance for teachers and Healthy School Leads to implement sun safety. All of the children responded with enthusiasm to the scheme and were eager to do activities and sang the songs. The scheme also gave us great ideas and resources for making a school display and involve children in making our school sun safe. We got good feedback from parents who also engaged with the new policy and requirements for their children to wear appropriate hats and sunscreen. Many children also bring sun creams to school and remember to apply them before break and lunch. I have been amazed with children taking responsibility for their own safety and talking to each other about sun safety”

“A clear folder of resources with easy to use lesson plans. Very accessible and relevant”

“We have enjoyed this scheme. The story and activities have been well tailored for our children and they have really taken the message on board. Staff have been much more on board with ensuring pupils are kept safe in the sun. Every play area has a gazebo to provide a shady play area and parents are now usually sending bucket style hats as opposed to baseball caps”

“We had a sun safety sleepover weekend for the Brownies where the girls worked through the exercises, activities and crafts. I was really pleased how much the girls already knew - it turns out that several go to schools which are already registered with you as sun safe schools. Living on an sunshine island I feel it tis very important that this is taught at a young age and I plan to keep topping up the sun safe message at meetings during the spring/summer months in future”

“It has been a wonderful learning experience for both children and adults associated with the school. We are now a much safer school when it comes to understanding the dangers of being out in the sun. Sun lotion application is more regular and seen as essential, sitting in the shade and having hats on is valued by all”

“We have all thoroughly enjoyed the Sun Safe Schools activities. The children loved the story and we have made a display of our Health and Safety week, during which we undertook the activities and had a whole school assembly. thank you. It’s great to know we can prove our hard work through accreditation”

“The policy generator is an excellent resource, made it much easier to focus on sun safety. Highlighted areas I would not of thought about and the format is very user friendly. Information for parents were good quality, easy to use resources has supported us to implement this in school. The resources supported the delivery of the assembly perfectly. Lessons and activities are well planned and useful resources. The scheme is well thought out with great resources. It has been very effective in school”

“Our Sun Safe journey has been taken on by the children really well. We have a UV monitor and have purchased sun cream for all classes for reapplication throughout the day. The policy and letter for parents was clear and concise and the resources for assemblies and teaching are excellent!”

“This is our second year and there is a much heightened awareness of sun safety. People are noticing the UV levels and are automatically adjusting behaviours to recognise the variation in weather. The children are bringing in hats and now it is expected practice - still room for improvement, but a much higher awareness…”

“Great resources. Interactive for all age groups. Clear message sent to children who show a greater depth of understanding now”

“The Sun Safety scheme has been extremely informative and has provided our school with many resources and ideas. The scheme is very easy and user friendly. All children have enjoyed taking part in the different activities and lots of discussion and questions have taken place. The policy and letter for parents has worked well in our school giving parents a clear idea about the scheme and what we are aiming to do. I believe this scheme has proven successful in promoting Sun Safety and reminding children as well as parents the dangers of being in the Sun for long periods of time”

“Sun Safe Schools has been a great resource for our school to learn about sun safety. It answered lots of questions for both parents and children had and we had a great couple of weeks promoting it!”

“The policy provided a really easy, step by step process. Some good pointers too. A really good scheme which has given structure to the information provide to parents. Great lesson plans and worksheets. In our second year, pupils were much more sun aware. There was also a greater awareness amongst parents with more hats being sent in more regularly. In our third year we are now using less sun cream provided by school - parents are much better at sending sun cream in for their own children. This year we are actively promoting the UV level on a daily basis, displaying in school to make staff, parents and pupils aware”

“Great resources! It was all very clear and easy to use. The children are now happy to sit in the shade and are very aware of their sun safety. It has been a pleasure to use. We are very proud to an accredited Sun Safe School”

“The sun safe school program has been superb to do with all the children and families in our school. It is a very important message and now all our children know how to keep safe in the sun. We will be using the resources to remind the children in the future. As a teacher it was easy to deliver and implement in school”

“Excellent programme designed to promote sun safety with children in our school. I hope that the children remember what they have learnt for when they are playing at over the summer holidays. Our PTA have purchased a legionaries sun hat and water bottle for every child in the school as a direct result of us taking part in this programme this year. These will be gifted to our children in September. We will definitely be teaching these lessons and assembly next year! Thank you”

“Thank you for allowing us to take part in this accreditation. It has been most informative and beneficial to the whole school”

“The staff, pupils and parents are aware of the dangers of the sun since we started the scheme. We promote Staying Safe in the Sun each year now by informing staff and pupils through staff meetings and assemblies. We put posters around the school and monitor and change the UV level posters each day. Sunscreen is available in four areas of the school and we keep sun hats in school”

“The scheme is fantastic and made teaching about sun safety so much easier than in the past as the resources are good quality and all there. The ease to make the policy was also great”

“The policy generator was extremely useful preparation for our Sun Safe Policy, thank you. The letter and booklets to parents a great idea, information and execution, thank you. The assembly from the school nurse on 1 June was brilliant. The children loved the Slip Slap Slop song. All the classes loved George the Sun Safe Superstar. Barndale School thought the resources were brilliant and have really helped us implement an official policy”

“This has been a super exercise that has given some gravitas to the message that we have given children now for several years”

“We have enjoyed taking the time to work with pupils about sun safety. The school council, since starting the programme have been working to raise money to install 3 canopies / shelters (1 per playground). We have just submitted planning permission and hope these will be installed soon. Sun Safe Schools has been a very friendly and accessible programme. We hope the accreditation is the start of the journey to be sun safe and smart - not the end!”

“Wonderful. Everyone has embraced being a Sun Safe School. Fantastic scheme. The children learned how to become “Sun Safe” in a fun way. Thank you”

“A great scheme that has really helped the children understand the life long message about sun safety. It is great that all the lessons and resources are made so it easy to pick up and run with. Thank you”

“Sun safe schools have an easy to follow scheme with fun and easy resources with effective learning for all children of different age groups”

“The policy provided very useful prompts for the school and its community. Thank you. Information very informative for schools and parents. The children listened carefully in the assembly and enjoyed the Slip, Slap, Slop song! Useful resources for the children and parents. Excellent guidance both for parents and children”

“Very informative and useful resource. Nicely planned and laid out to make it easy to implement”

“The information and resources were very informative and the programme has been a great way to reinforce this information not only to the children but to adults as well”

“The policy generator was very useful as it gives you a basis to work from and made us consider things that we had not thought about previously. Communicating with parents was made very straightforward and simple to follow. Resources were very useful as it meant all three of our age phases were getting the same message at the same time. As our school has a wide range of needs and abilities, there were lots of different activities which we were able to adapt to meet everyone’s needs. The scheme was straightforward and easy to follow. The resources were easy to adapt and very effective for getting the message across, especially the song and video”

“Our Sun safe journey has proved successful using the resources provided. All children and their parents have bought into our sun safe superstar ethos”

“The children, adults and stakeholders in school, including the Governors and parents are fully committed to our Sun-safe policy and practices. The wearing of hats and sun cream is now embedded in daily life within our school. The Teachers and Midday Supervisors have all embraced the rule that they must also wear a hat when on playground duty to model good practice. The resources pack and the story book have been used for two whole school assemblies and classroom activities and have been enjoyed by the children and welcomed by the staff. The website, accreditation process and resources have been very easy to use”

“The website and resources allowed us to deliver the Sun Safe message across the whole school effectively. The website is extremely easy to navigate and the resources are comprehensive and well suited to children from years 1 to year 6. The story engaged the children well with the message and the assembly powerpoint being prepared already was extremely helpful to work from. I am confident that the Sun Safe message will keep our children safe in the Sun”

“All resources given were used and very helpful. The overall process was informative and very useful. The children have become more aware and can be heard singing the song. Every morning the UV forecast is checked and displayed in the school entrance. Packs were put together with all resources and given to each child to work on at home. The song was sang and can be heard being sang around school”

“The children have developed their knowledge on how to keep safe in the sun. They enjoyed the activities and especially enjoyed the book and song. It has been a very useful and effective scheme”

“We found the resources extremely helpful in creating our policy and advising our parents. The assembly resources were really helpful - the children loved learning the song and were shown the film, which they enjoyed. The children loved the George the Sun Safe Superstar book and the activity sheet that they completed in class. The children are already showing that they are sun safe aware by putting their sun hats on before going out to play etc. We have found all the resources really helpful in education our pupils on sun safety. They are already proving to be effective”

“This was a straight forward pack of resources to use which has enabled our school to become Sun Safe. We look forward to putting what we have learnt in to action! Children were engaged in the interesting activities and we feel that all children learnt important lessons on how to remain safe in the sun. Our whole school assembly ensured how vital it is to the children to stay safe in the sun and how to look after themselves and avoid the dangers of getting sun burnt skin”

“Thank you so much for all the resources and support materials i.e policy and letter templates. As a school, we definitely realise the importance of teaching children about sun safety. The sun safety message is now embedded in our school and will remain part of our PSHE curriculum”

“The Sun Safe Schools scheme has been brilliant and the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about why they need to be sun safe. The documents that went home to the parents were very professional and we saw more and more children coming to school with their sun hats, water bottles and sun cream. The resources were amazing for the class lessons. There was something tailored for each year group that made them think about sun safety while making it fun at the same time”

“I found the resources that were provided very helpful and they allowed me to alter them so that the lessons were accessible to all the children in the special school that I work at. The lesson plans also meant that there was enough detail that I could create extra resources for the lessons. The assembly plan and the story were fantastic and engaged the children. All of the children really enjoyed the assembly and the workshop”

“We have been really impressed with the whole campaign. The resources have been excellent and so easy to use. We were wary of the amount of work that would be required at a busy enough time of year, but this has not been the case. The children sat for over half an hour during assembly when we introduced it to them and took part in the lessons with a sense of maturity and gravity even. We feel the message is a very important one and are glad to have been part of this process. We look forward to re-doing our accreditation next year!”

“It was very informative, it coincided with a heat wave! Great timing! The message of the 5 ‘s’ was simple and easy for the younger children to remember. A great resource which has highlighted the importance of keeping safe in the sun”

“Children and staff have enjoyed doing activities and learning about sun safety. Children have informed myself that they have told younger siblings and family members about the facts they have learnt from the resources supplied. Governors are pleased that the school decided to complete the status of Sun Safe Schools”

“Fantastic - very useful and very thorough. We were guided through the whole process. All parents and children supportive”

“The Sun Safe scheme has been very straightforward and easy to use. It has had a very positive effect on the children and their parents. Everyone is more sun aware than before the scheme. The Sun Safe poster competition was very popular and the posters around the school are a great reminder to everyone to enjoy the sun safely. I have recommended the Sun Safe Schools scheme to other Norfolk schools”

“The scheme has been very effective in educating children about the importance of sun safety but has also reminded staff and parents of the facts too. Each class has a dedicated sunscreen box, and UV display which is regularly updated. There is also a large UV display which faces onto the playground to keep parents informed. I consider the scheme to have been very effective and a great way of embedding skin safety into the curriculum”

“The Sun Safe Schools accreditation scheme has been fantastic in providing resources and a focus throughout the last term to enable us to fully embed sun safety within the school. It pushed us to purchase legionnaire caps to provide each current child with a school cap - and we have purchased sufficient to provide caps for several years to come. Sending the Sun Safe Policy home to parents also heightened parents’ awareness and given us their written support. On our summer outings this year we overheard many positive comments from the general public on the fact that our children were protected by their school caps. Maybe we made others think about whether they should be protecting their own and their children’s heads and skin too? The resources and Scheme in general have been invaluable to us. This is something the children will take forward with them into their adult life and will inform their own parenting in the fullness of time. Thank you”

“The second year of using this scheme has been more successful as it has consolidated the knowledge and understanding the children and staff have. Children are taking greater responsibility for their own sun safety. We are still working with a very small group of parents who are not yet thinking ahead on sunny days!”

“The resources have been very useful. The children enjoyed the assembly, the story and the song. The worksheets have been used both in class and by the midday supervisors. The younger children particularly enjoy repeating the slip, slop, slap slogan. We are introducing the use of the UV posters. All the resources have been well used and well timed particularly as we have recently experienced a very warm spell of weather”

“The process to produce the sun safe policy was very useful and an excellent guide. This has made us think far more in depth about the topic and we have provided the pupils with far more guidance than in previous years. The resources and guidance really helped us focus on the key aspects of sun safety. The resources were child friendly and supported our pupils in understanding how to stay safe on hot days. Thank you”

“We have enjoyed the Sun Safe Scheme and parents have been on-board. We have found the resources to be effective and easy to follow. The children have been highly engaged in the scheme too”

“A fabulous scheme that has been well supported by our families. We can see a visible difference in the numbers of hats being used by pupils and staff and they are the recommended design too. All of our children have access to the sun block and have enjoyed using the many resources available through the scheme”

“Really worthwhile, quick and easy to complete. Would recommend to all schools. We especially like the song. It is a good hook to help children remember to cover up. Children are now aware of different sun-cream factors and important details about sun safety, such as UV rays. Sales of legionnaires hats have increased at the school office. More children are bringing sun-cream Teachers are making time to apply the cream”

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working through the steps outlined through this scheme. The programme is faultless and highly supportive. Exceptionally easy to use resource to create a simple, easy to read policy. Resources were incredibly useful as was the video of sun awareness. Good feedback from teachers and children. Recounts of sun awareness being shared at home with parents too. We have seen children squirting their sun cream on parents if they feel they are too sun exposed and taking a firm approach to sun awareness”

“It’s great that this is being brought into schools to teach children about sun safety. The children are now very much aware of the need to wear sun cream and take refuge in the shade and what the consequences may be if they don’t look after their skin. the resources provided have supported this well”

“It has been useful in raising awareness for all staff about their role and the use of hats etc. The song was well received. Children are now telling me that they have water in school and have put sunscreen on, so it has made an impact. It made us think carefully about our practice in school and we changed a number of policy decisions as a result”

“A fantastic resource that was easy to use and allowed the school to update and review its sun safety policy. Everything was clear and it has been easy to go through. Thank You”

“We have found this a useful device to support and enhance our already sound programme of sun awareness. The children found the resources informative and fun”

“The Sun Safe Schools scheme was easy to implement - with catchy songs and informative worksheets. The whole school have taken the ‘Slip Slop Slap’ message to heart and I feel that the pupils have been enabled to pass this message on”

“This is the third year we have renewed our accreditation, we will continue to do so in the future. It is a really easy website to use with great resources and the children are fully on board with being ‘sun safe’”

“We have really enjoyed using the resources and have found them to be very helpful. We organised them into year groups and put them on our school server where the teachers could access them. We delivered some staff training about how to use the resources too. Each class has nominate a sun safe monitor who checks the UV rays for the day and then they display one of you useful posters in the corner of their board. We have updated our policy in light of your recommendations and more children are wearing wide brimmed hat which is great. The sun safety assembly delivered by one of your representatives, Diva, was very informative and very well delivered. We also held our own phase assemblies to reinforce the message. Many thanks for your lovely, useful resources”

“The resources and overall structure provide a sound way of ensuring that school highlight the risks of the sun for children whilst keeping them safe”

“The resources were great, very easy to use and all the children could understand. Even for our small school, it was very well presented material. Thanks, made this part of our school life a lot easier. Good resources and fun for the children, but yet got the point across well. The materials were very useful and easy to use. Our PGCE student used them with great success and our parents have bought into the idea too. Looking forward to a very safe summer, especially with the hot weather for the week ahead”

“The book provided an excellent resource, particularly for KS1 classes and helped them to remember the slip / slap / slop message. The hero theme also engaged the children. In KS2, they have talked in classes about the long term impacts and the importance of UV level awareness. The posters around the school now support children to identify the action needed according to the daily level”

“All staff and pupils have found the resources informative and enjoyable and we will continue to use them throughout the year to embed sun safety into our curriculum”

“A fantastic accreditation to be involved in with excellent resources to support learning. The project has been a complete success and helped us in keeping our children and families safe”

“The children responded well to the Sun Safe message and all families were keen to promote healthy skin care by sending in their child with a sun hat and water bottle to stay hydrated in the hot weather. We have enjoyed taking part in Sun Safe Schools”

“The feedback from staff was that the resources were easy to use and the children really enjoyed them. A brilliant resource to promote sun safety - we will use the associated resources year on year to promote the sun safety message”

“Our pupils really enjoy the Sun Safe initiative. We have class ‘monitors’ that remind their friends to wear a hat and put sunscreen on. I have also linked Sun Safety to Children’s University where pupils can gain stamps towards a mini graduation. One of our staff members supported me last year in delivering the Sun Safe initiative, she experienced skin cancer and was able to share her experiences (she is now clear of cancer and just started maternity leave!). We use the wall sun screen providers across the school that we were lucky to have donated. We are glad to be a part of this scheme and I share it with other local schools. Thank you!”

“Our school is proud to be a Sun Safe School. Our children have taken the process very seriously and help each other out by reminding each other to put hats on and assist their friends in placing sun screen on. As we have plenty of shade, packed lunches are always eaten in the shade and our large canopy at the back of the school has become a haven for games during playtime and lunchtime. Sun Safety is hugely important to us and we have worked hard as a school to ensure that key messages are shared with our families. It is good to see that staff have also adopted hats and sun screen”

“Gaining sun safe schools status has been a positive, straightforward process. It has encouraged us to develop a whole school approach to Sun Safety and all children and parents are following our Sun Safe code by wearing hats outside and wearing sun screen. The resources were easily accessible and appropriate and the website was relatively straightforward to use. The scheme has been highly effective at St Saviour school. The children are very aware of how to stay safe in the sun and know the slip, slop, slap expectations.The sunshade shelter which was built last year continues to be a great area for children to seek shade from the sun”

“As a school based in Jersey we have always been aware of the dangers of the Sun. Through our accreditation to the Sun Safe Schools programme we have been able to reinforce the message in a very child friendly way with the story and songs alongside the activities. As the children become more aware they are naturally putting on hats to go outside or find shade or rehydrate through drinking water. Parents and been supportive in ensuring the children have a hat and water bottle and also in applying sun screen before school of the type that lasts all day. The supply of a set of hats for school through the programme last year also ensures we have hats in school for those children having a forgetful morning, alongside sponsored water bottles for our two reception classes that stay in school to again ensure they form good habits in drinking water and keeping rehydrated”

“Children and parents are now familiar with the accreditation and believe the education provided through the Sun Safe School’s scheme is vital. More parents are supporting our policy and the children are always keen to share what they have been learning, what the UV is each day and what they are doing to keep themselves safe. We continue to be proud to hold the accreditation! Thank you”

“Having undertaken the sun safe accreditation for 3 consecutive years now, the whole school community just accepts this as being an integral part of our school ethos. The vast majority of pupils and staff now bring their on hats, and school provides spares. There are far more legionnaire style hats now as well, instead of the baseball style we used to get a lot of. Staff have also adapted their dress, with no one now wearing strappy tops outdoors as they know they are a role model to the pupils”

“So far it has been a great success with the children and parents and staff at school. We hope to purchase a UV Sun safe board and sun cream dispensers in the near future. The activity sheets were very engaging and the different activities such as I spy shade and spot the difference engaged the children. Thank you very much for the opportunity we look forward to continuing this initiative in the future”

“The Sun safe Schools scheme has been enjoyed by all children in the school, the message has been clear and explained in a child friendly, fun way. Since introducing the scheme within the school you can see that the children are much more aware of how important it is to stay safe in the sun, and are taking responsibility and becoming independent with keeping safe when the weather is nice. Children are now bringing in sun screen, sun hats, and sunglasses to wear during break times where this was not the case before starting the scheme. The Eco committee have been given roles of becoming UV monitors and are displaying posters around the school. Texts are now sent out when sun and high UV levels are forecast to remind parents of the importance of sun safety. All of the resources and steps of the scheme have been easy to follow and well suited for all children in the school, and the children have enjoyed taking part”

“It always a valuable yearly activity to complete the sun safety accreditation. It gets all staff, parents and children thinking about their safety in the sun. It also helps children to take responsibility for keeping themselves safe in the sun and this can only be successful if they are given fun and up to date information - this is where sun safe schools comes in very handy”

“This is our third Sun Safe Schools accreditation. Children are now very used to this information. they are knowledgable and apply the rules for themselves. The whole process highlights to pupils, families and staff the importance of being sun safe. We will definitely continue with this journey each year”

“Our children now know what they need on sunny days and they are educating their parents! They are explaining what types of hats to wear, that they need to protect their eyes and wear sun cream protection. When you talk to the children in all year groups they understand the need to be sun safe and can explain how they can make themselves safe”

“We are now able to make sure Sun Safe best practice is consistent across the school. Parents are very engaged- especially parents of the younger children in school. The children love the Slip, Slop, Slap Song within the assembly and remembered the text and sang along without needing a reminder- definitely a hit! The book and resources are excellent and appealing to the children- they all want to be George! Children, staff and parents have responded well. It has actually been easier to implement than we expected. Thank you for the great resources and support”

“The resources and materials have been invaluable in setting us up as a Sun Safe school. The resources have been instrumental in implementing and creating the policy. We have used the cues and ideas to develop our school grounds and plans. Lessons were well resourced and the children developed a good understanding of the dangers associated with being out in the sun. The children were all very enthused by the assembly. They recalled the song from last year and have been singing it on the yard ever since!”

“An excellent resource to cover a very worthwhile subject. The online policy maker was very helpful and quick to complete. Clear and concise instructions as to what we supply and provide. I wish all policies were this simple to implement. Great resources with scheme of work implemented into the curriculum”

“This is the third year we have renewed our accreditation, we will continue to do so in the future. It is a really easy website to use with great resources and the children are fully on board with being ‘Sun Safe’.”

“Sun Safe Schools is a very effective scheme which is now well embedded in our school. Children love learning about and sharing the messages about sun safety. Children have created posters, powerpoints, musical raps, stories, poems and dramas about sun safety and shared them with the rest of the school”

“Children, parents and staff are much more aware about sun safety. This has been altogether a fantastic resource and the children have thoroughly enjoyed it.The resources have been useful for teachers to educate the children further about sun safety. The younger children especially have enjoyed the story book. The lesson plans were useful to use alongside it. Children are much more aware about sun safety”

“We have been participating in the scheme for a few years now and the message is getting through. Children and parents seem keen to follow the guidance to ensure the children keep safe in the sun. We have also had a new gazebo this year!”

“Within the school and local community we have continued to share the importance of sun safety and how we ensure we remain a sun safe school. We have found the parents very supportive in our venture. Most teachers are now more familiar with the resources provided and have used these yearly as a support for their class lessons on sun safety”

“Dear Sun Safe schools, Thank you for assisting teachers with delivering this vital lesson with great resources, particularly the story book. Parents are also grateful. Looking forward to recapping this annually with the children and reminding parents”

“The Sun Safe Schools scheme is well established within school and pupils are well aware of how to keep themselves safe in the sun. Hats and suncream are a matter of everyday school/classroom routines and older pupils take it upon themselves to check UV levels and make sure hats are worn. Shaded areas for pupils to use outside, particularly over lunchtime, have been invested in, together with training for midday supervisors to support both themselves and the children to stay safe in the sun”

“A whole school assembly on sun safety, using the sun safe school resources was delivered as well as an assembly by the RNLI which further reinforced the message. Children have also accessed lessons from the scheme as well as covering sun safety as part of our whole school PHSE scheme. Staff also reinforce the need to cover up and use sunscreen when needed and model good practice themselves. We have implemented the Sun Safe Schools daily UV monitoring with each class having a poster to display the UV level. Our parents have been very supportive and help ensure the children come to school with hats and cream. Feedback has been positive. The Sun Safe Schools Assembly was very well received and children love the song! Children enjoyed the lessons and discussions and were receptive to the ideas. They now show a good understanding of why they need to be sun safe. Sun safe Schools has helped us to make the children aware of this important issue. The resources are good and the accreditation process is simple and not too time consuming. Our children have definitely benefited from raised awareness”

“As we renew our Sun Safe Schools accreditation, Sun Safety is very much embedded now. Resources are always of a good quality and the children enjoy completing them.The children remember the slip, slop, slap routine especially. They are excellent at being prepared and will wear their sun hat or know that they will have to remain in the shade at lunch times. Parents have generally been very supportive. They love that we provide the sunscreen for the school day”

“The Sun Safe Schools programme is really, really good - the parents really like it! The policy and communication with parents was brilliant and so easy to use. The children love the resources, story and song”

“I think this scheme is fantastic! We have had lots of positive responses from parents and pupils. The resources are easy to use and there are plenty of them. A massive THANK YOU from Awel y Mor Primary!”

“As a school, we love taking part in this project each year as it is so vital to keeping our children safe. Teachers, parents and pupils engage and enjoy learning the different facts. It helps us all to keep everyone safe from the sun.Parent engagement in sun safety is really positive and they are keen to provide sun cream and sun hats in school”

“The school has enjoyed being part of the Sun Safe Schools scheme over the last few years and the children are fully aware of the dangers from the sun. All children know about the 5 S's and use sunscreen and hats at breaktimes - as do the staff”

“The policy resource was brilliant and so easy to use. It was really helpful for us to create our policy using this. The sun safety workshops were excellent as was the assembly. Children are all taking more responsibility for their own safety in the sun and they can all tell you the main rules and ways of staying safe. Thank you!”

“The Sun Safe Schools scheme has been a fantastic way to teach the children how to be responsible for themselves in the sun. They already had some knowledge, but with the help of the resources that was available to us, it has made each child more aware of how to protect themselves and why it is important. So much so in fact, that more and more children are bringing their own suncream, hats and sunglasses in to school daily and do not need to be reminded to use them. Our Sun Safe journey has been a very successful one”

“The Sun Safe Schools programme has been key in reinforcing important messages about sun safety. The children enjoyed the journey and the parents were pleased to be involved”

“The Sun Safe Schools scheme is excellent and this year it is very noticeable how much the children are remembering. This year particularly they have been able to recount the story and slogans and remembered all the past teaching and were able to discuss and add more information from their own thinking. Certainly the children enjoy the sessions and the parents are responsive to the need to send in sun hats and apply sun cream. We have also a new sun hat available to buy which is a better fit and still legionnaire in design but a more modern colour and fit”

“As a school, since we were first accredited I believe that the children have more awareness of and responsibility for their own sun safety in school. Every Friday, if the forecast is hot for the weekend, we all remind each other what we need to do and be careful of if we are out in the sun. It is an embedded part of the school culture and there are, I think, less children coming back to school after the weekend having been burnt compared to a few years ago”

“This has really helped our school community re-focus and think about sun safety at our school and what we do to educate and protect the children. Lots of changes have already been made and we will ensure this is an area visited each year. The resources were fantastic!”

“We are very pleased with the structure of the scheme. We invited a specialist skin cancer nurse in from the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and followed up the assembly with George's story and the worksheets. We regularly promote sun safety on our school newsletter and social media and consider it an important part of our safeguarding practices and keeping children healthy”

“Having taken part in the Sun Safe Schools programme, there is a much greater awareness from parents and the children. More children are remembering to bring hats to school. We have begun to sell bucket style hats only at school for the low price of £3.50, which are selling well. Even the older children seem to like this style and ears are protected. As the children are not allowed out of the shaded areas without sun cream and hats, they have become much better at applying cream and keeping their hats on. Comments from the parents have included a need for greater areas of shade which is a topic of discussion to be had with our PTA in September. All staff have now purchased a hat and are modelling sun safe behaviour. The lesson plans and resources were very well received by staff. The resources are excellent. Each class has a UV representative and an email is sent by me every Monday morning with a UV forecast for the week. I provided each class with a set of lesson plans and resources, plus laminated UV posters, all provided by the Sun Safe Schools programme”

“The Sun Safe Schools resources have been very useful. A fantastic award to have!”

“As a school we have found the Sun Safe programme and resources very useful as it is all in one place. We actually found out about the scheme through a colleagues husband who attend a seminar about skin cancer and a new treatment that was being produced. The programme has been added to our Lifeskills programme. All staff selected resources appropriate for their age group. The children really enjoyed the puzzles and games and these were shared with parents. The lesson plans were well structured and the older children were really interested in the importance of the sun and the UV scale. We also used the resources in assemblies to broaden their knowledge. The resources also promoted discussion by the children. Our Sports Days are this week and the children are talking about the precautions they are to take. Two Year 4 children came to tell us that our school sunhat did not protect as the lesson had said it should and we are looking into this to find a better alternative”

“We are confident that as a result our our new 'sun safety policy', which forms part of our Health & Safety operational policy, has resulted in children being more aware of the dangers/implications of keeping safe in the sun. The Sun Safe Schools resources are excellent and have proven most useful to enable staff to deliver the scheme in school. Staff delivered the lessons from Reception class to year 6. Resources we very well planned and were very easy to deliver to all children. All children found the lessons fun and informative”

“As a new member of staff to the leadership team, I found the Sun Safe Schools policy so much easier to oversee, implement and stick too. The children were fully engaged and our children are now amazing sun safety superstars! The resources made it easier to implement the same lessons across the school. It meant the children had a variety of activities that were all age related and a lot of the children were able to link their learning with the school assembly. The resources for this were amazing and made my life so much easier. We teamed the assembly with an extra playtime out on our playground where a lot of the older children help protect the children by encouraging those without hats to play in the shade. The children were especially engaged with the video”